Sunday 16 May 2010

Samira - May 2010

Samira has been on the move this week as she has had a new and very large enclosure built for her next to the volunteer’s area on the farm. 

She seems to be enjoying life in her new enclosure, exploring her new space and freedom. And she clearly seems to relish the constant company as she’s always near the fence ready and waiting for people to visit her. And now she’s right next to the volunteers’ rooms they can visit her as and when they like and give her all the fuss and attention she loves!

Since being in her new camp she has shown everyone she still hasn’t lost her ability to hunt by catching herself a hare that braved entering her enclosure! She was very proud of her achievement and wouldn’t let anyone near her captured hare.

She also has fun stalking the pigs through the wires of her enclosure while they wander around for food outside. The peacocks quite often fly in to say hello too!

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