Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Samira and Chiquita - January 2012

Samira recovered very well from her neck injury earlier in the year, but she had us worried again in November as she was not eating well. Our two old ladies seem to take turns when it comes to worrying us, which is understandable at their age! 

When we had a closer look at Samira, we discovered an abscess on her neck, although it was not the same as before. We thought it must have had something to do with her teeth again, or maybe her last operation did not go as well as we thought!

We took a last minute decision to sedate her to see what the big ball that she had on her neck was, and just when we were carrying her over to the clinic, liquid started to come out of it. 

Rudie then proceeded to cut it open and clean it properly. 

As she seemed otherwise ok, we put her on antibiotics for 10 days and released her back into the camp under constant surveillance and with the plan to take her to the vet if she got worse again.

Luckily, she seems completely recovered and is back to delighting us all with her constant purring. We are very happy as well for Chiquita, who seemed to miss her terribly while her friend was at the clinic.

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