Monday, 16 April 2012

Samira and Chiquita April 2012

Samira and Chiquita are at it again! While the two generally live together peacefully, when it comes to feeding time things can get a bit competitive. The two elderly ladies will hiss and swipe at each other, each vying to eat first, until the other backs down. The winner tends to change each day as they are evenly matched in terms of dominance.

Poor old Samira has been in the wars again and needed veterinary care once more. One day during feeding time, two volunteers noticed a large flap of skin hanging off the back of Samira’s front leg. It left her muscle and tendons very exposed. While Samira did not seem bothered by her injury, it looked quite severe and if left untreated the open wound could become infected, or more skin could tear. 

With Samira, we take no risks so Rudie darted her to sedate her and we removed her from her enclosure to examine her more closely. When he brought her into the clinic, he realized that the skin still left on her leg was not enough to close the wound entirely. He stitched up and reattached what skin was available and closed what he could of the wound to prevent infection or further injury. We reversed the sedative and Samira moved back into her camp. Thankfully, her injury is healing very well and she does not seem to be affected by it at all. It is difficult to know what caused the injury, she could have rubbed it against a tree or the fence or perhaps her and Chiquita had a scrap. Whatever it was, we hope that Samira will take better care of herself in the future.

Samira recovering from the sedative after Rudie had stitched her wound

Chiquita is coping well with her remaining four teeth and she does not seem to have incurred any problems eating since her operation 6 months ago. We're so pleased with how she's coped with her poor condition and are very proud of Chiquita. However she is still as grumpy as ever and leaves Samira to socialise with the volunteers whilst she lurks in the background at a safe distance away.

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